PDP1 Test Results Database
Disclaimer: The CSHF is not responsible for any mistakes that may be found in these lists. Before any breeding, or purchase, ask to see the certificates issued by the testing laboratories. The results in these lists include those released by Dr. Diane Shelton as of August, 2006, those found on the OFA's website, those released by the Animal Health Trust, as well as those submitted to the Foundation by the dogs' owners for publication.
To have your dog's results added to these lists, no matter what the result, please send a copy of the certificate you received from the laboratory with a note giving the Foundation permission to make the results public on its web site to the Foundation Secretary at secretary@clumberhealth.org. Results will be updated at least once a month and a copy of the cerficate and note will be kept on file.
If you notice any mistakes in this list, please contact the Foundation Secretary at secretary@clumberhealth.org.