Annual Campaign
You do not need a special occasion to support the Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation. Donations are always welcome, in fact, needed.
To make a gift, you can either use PayPal, or download our Annual Campaign Contribution form, send it with your check(s), payable to Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation, to:
Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation
c/o Ken Harringer
PO Box 10959
Silver Spring, MD 20914-0959
In Memoriam
Remembering a Loved One
A donation to the Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation to honor or remember a loved one is a meaningful way for you to express your sympathy or the loss of a loved be, be it a friend, a family member, or of course a Clumber Spaniel. These contributions can help better the lives of Clumber Spaniels, by supporting health research, educational programs and data collection.
After you make a donation you will receive a tax receipt in the amount of your generous donation and a card will be sent to the bereaved family to let them know about your thoughtful gift. The amount of your donation will be kept strictly confidential but your gesture will be recorded on our on-line honor-roll and annual report, unless you ask us not to do so.
To make such a gift, please download our form and follow its instructions. If you would like a short tribute of the person or dog you are making a gift in memory of to appear on this website, follow those instructions carefully or do so directly on send us your tribute on our In Memoriam website page here.
For more information please contact the Foundation secretary at
Planned Giving
The term "Planned Gift" simply refers to arranging donation now so that the Foundation will realize the benefits in the future.
You can provide for the future of the Foundation through a variety of estate planning options, such as bequests, chartitable remainder trusts and even life insurance policies. These tools can help you build a legacy today without affecting your cashflow.
Many individuals find these arrangements very attractive because they can help satisfy tax and financial goals as well as philanthropic goals, and allow them to make a larger gift than otherwise possible.
Please consult your attorney and /or financial advisers regarding the best approach to fit your individual needs.
For more information on arranging a planned or deferred gift to the Foundation, please contact our Treasurer at