2017 Honor Roll

Our donors make the foundation work possible.


Gold ($1000 and more):

Apple Inc.*, Kim & Cyrus Daboo, Walt & JaniceFriis, Douglas Johnson

Silver ($500 - $999):

Chip & Shelley Miller

Bronze ($250 - $499):

Jennifer Amundsen & Michael Finnegan, R.Tamara de Silva, Catherine Eiref, Tracy Garvey,Roe & Gordie Froman, Jim & Catherine Wiseman

Partners ($100 - $249):

Linda & William Browder, Charles & Gail Budde, Daniel & Susan Cohen, Milford Cole & Peggy Holman, Bill & Polly Davies, William & Sandra Dunlap, Lars & Emily Engel, Dennis FitzPatrick, William & Helen Gordon, Lyle & Susan Hall, Ben & Karen Hoyle, Linda King, Joan & Richard Lis,Lizz Squashic, Donna Starr, Merri Van Dyke

Friends ($1 - $99):

William & Cindy Brizes, Pat Cleary, ConnieDrake, Gail Drucker, Bryant Freeman, Richard & Patricia Gregory, Kenneth & Betsy Harringer, Sharon Harrison, John & Phyllis Henry, Peter & Michelle Koban, Jason Lapole, Kelly Lease, Diane Lyons, Carol Marvelley, Nancy Merk, War-ren & Darcy Moss, Marla Shelmadine, SyndiSweeney, Jenni Toebben, Greg Wahman, JanelleWaldon, Roger & Laurie Watt, William & Jane Williams, John & Naiza Woodlief



* Employee matching gifts are donations an employer makes to match its employees’ charitable contributions. Gifts are typically matched dollar-for-dollar, but some companies will give double or even triple the original donation. Some companies may restrict gifts to categories or charities, but it is worth checking with your HR department to see if your employer matches donations.