DNA Banking

The Clumber Spaniel Club of America (CSCA) DNA Bank

The CSCA DNA bank is owned by the CSCA and managed by the Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation. The bank is currently housed in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) lab of Dr. Elaine Ostrander.

DNA banking from all your clumbers is one of the most important ways you can contribute to the improvement of the breed's health. The DNA bank has already facilitated the development of the PDP1 test. It has also allowed us to provide to researchers valuable samples for study into IMHA (Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia) and hemangiosarcoma, a fatal cancer in dogs. We hope it will soon prove useful in an intervertebral disc disease research study, as well.

The CSCA DNA bank now holds samples from over 800 Clumbers. Grants from the CSHF have facilitated digitization of all the samples, making data searches much easier.

submit your Clumber Spaniel DNA to the CSCA DNA Bank:

Contact the Dog Genome Project Samples Manager to request a collection kit. The Dog Genome Project can be reached at dog_genome@mail.nih.gov or by phone at 301-451-9390. You can visit their website at https://research.nhgri.nih.gov/dog_genome/ for additional information about sample submission and the project. 

Please write "CSCA Sample" at the top of your submission form to ensure it is included in the CSCA DNA bank.

Your participation in building this resource is very much appreciated. Clumbers present and future thank you!