In Memoriam
CH BTrue’s Connect the Dots
11/10/2009 - 3/14/2023
Yesterday I helped my sweet baby boy Connor cross the rainbow bridge and join his best buddies Ruby and Daisey. He has always been my special gift, my everything dog, who joyfully did so many activities with his happy sprit and wiggly butt. He loved being a therapy dog and strutted onto the college campuses with so much energy and happiness. He loved the water and would dive into the water with great excitement and always a ball of some sort. His favorite things were balls of all sizes with squeakers, big floppy stuffies and was always seen carrying some sort of toy. He was a wonderful representative of the breed and enjoyed his time in the show ring with Candy Carswell getting his AKC Championship with ease. Tracking, Obedience and a little agility were all on his list of favorite things. Time spent with Dr Colby was wonderful as she put him back together with her amazing chiropractic talents. I was left wondering how does he get around, nothing held him back. He just did what he wanted to with so much spirit. Thank you to Melissa and Holly who have always been there for advice and helping him cope with whatever came his way and letting him be a big part of our lives. We have loved being part of part of a dedicated group of Clumber lovers who love to share their great Clumber stories and adventures. Connor you will be so missed. I know you are now running without pain with your buddies in the heavens! Til we meet again!!
CH Jazzin’s The Gatekeeper – “Peter”
08/25/12 – 08/02/22
Peter was my everything after losing his mom when he was 4 months old. Peter loved life and everything and everyone. He was the kindest soul that ever existed. When anyone would come over to the house, Peter would promptly jump in their lap and lay his head on their chest like he had known them forever. Everyone fell in love with Peter and almost everyone would want a clumber after meeting Peter. He was such the ambassador for the breed. My heart was shattered into a million pieces the day I lost him. There are those special dogs that come into our lives and Peter was one of them. There will always be a piece of my heart that belongs to Peter. RIP my sweet sweet boy….until we meet again.
Collette Jaynes
CH Shogun's Count Your Blessings CD BN RA
5/27/2010 - 6/14/2022
Charlotte was an amazing dog full of confidence and grace. She ran the world and made me the person I am today. She was a gentle soul who greeted everyone she met. She was never the clumsy puppy. She took her first points the day she turned 6 months and took her final bow in the ring at 11. She demanded people look at her and even would “will” people to come from across a room to speak to her. She was the queen of our house. There was never a cross word but every dog respected and loved her. She was totally devoted and did her best to make sure everything was good. I miss Charlotte more than anyone could imagine, but I know she is happy and she will live on through her children and great grandchildren.
Christine Saint
CH Jazzin’s I Will Surprise CD, BN, CGC, TKA, RATS, FDC
Newly was a surprise from the time he was conceived being an oops breeding while Collette was out of town. The fact he was a mother/son breeding was never hidden at any time. From the first time I saw his dark ears and high energy level I knew we were meant to be together. He was a continual challenge but through it all he gave me his love, loyalty and always happy even when physically more difficult. Trainers had told me to get another dog as Newly was always a challenge, but we successfully met those challenges completing several titles and many more left uncompleted. He was WD at the 2018 National Specialty and High Scoring Clumber in 2021. Most important he was my companion; my only regret is he left me way too soon. The most difficult decision was made when his quality of life as he wanted to live was gone after trying many options. Newly I miss you so much, you belonged by my side.
Gail Budde
Hoover...born 11/10/2009, passed on to Clumber Heaven on 5/31/2022.
I will be forever grateful to Melissa Wiltse. Melissa delivered a 'slightly over cabin-weight' Hoover to me in Florida from her home in Washington state...seems like it was just yesterday when she pulled a roller bag thru Jacksonville Airport with his little white head sticking out. My heart melted. wonderful dufus, grew into an XXXL Clumber! I expected him to grow to about 75 lbs., but he topped out at 95 lbs.! I'm sure 90 of it was his heart. He was a loveable "tank" without a mean bone in him. So many people asked what breed he was and I would tell them that he was a "Cocker on steroids" for a laugh.
Hoover was obsessed with tennis balls. A walk around our community courts was literally a dangerous 'trip' for me if he spotted a ball. Squeaky toys never stood a chance. He accidently swallowed a large squeaker one year on Christmas Eve. It was returned to me the same way it went in...the following July! Christmas in July!
Hoover was a loving big-brother to Sophia, a Clumber rescue. We both are lost without him.
What an unbelievable dog Hoover was. Sweet and loving. I wish he would have lived forever but his bones could no longer support his big Clumber heart. Hoover was the best dog that ever owned me.
Many heartfelt thanks to Axel Gray, DVM, and the entire staff at Coastal Veterinary Hospital in Jacksonville, FL. From the day Hoover arrived to his final breath, they provided exceptional, loving care for Hoover!
Mariane Porecca
Beautiful loving mother. Working Clumber.
Loved the elderly and children. Fantastic mum to her son Harry.
Will miss you forever.
Tillie Roo
Tillie came through Clumber Spaniel Rescue and Placement. She was placed with Denise and Kent Blotter. She had a fabulous life with them and will live on in the hearts of many.
Kiwi, April 23, 2009 - June 22, 2018
Kiwi came to me when I was in despair about having to spay Mimi, never having gotten a puppy from her. She moved her way right into my heart, sleeping on the bed with me and sitting in the chair with me while I watched TV. She was a great little agility dog who ran into some problems with an almost non-existent thyroid count...but came back from that and remained my constant companion. When we discovered she had a herniated cervical disc, I just wanted her to be able to remain my bed buddy...but sadly it was not to be. She was in excruciating pain and I had to put her out of her pain.
Loved and missed by Judy Hiller.
Mimi had big shoes to fill, since she was Slammer's daughter. She never really loved agility the way her mother did, but she did it because I asked her to--earning her OAP and AXJ before retiring. She was never able to give me puppies, even though I tried three times. The last time she went into pyometra and was spayed. She was the happiest girl...who had no will to power...she was like her mother, in that regard. She was deaf and eventually blind...she would have been 14 on June 1, 2018.
Loved and missed by Judy Hiller.
BIS BISS CH Moonrysn’s Moon Dawg "Rudy", April 27, 2004 - June 08, 2018
We could write a book about Rudy. We lost Rudy at over 14 years of age.
What a personality he had! What a life he had! A friend of ours called him the Circus Dog.
Rudy was into everything from shoes, gloves, sheetrock wall, etc. He ate everything even at over 14 years of age. My pantry had three locks on it to keep Rudy out- life was never dull. Rudy traveled everywhere with us. He loved everybody and everybody loved him. People would come to a show and fall in love with Rudy-he sold many puppies. Life is very lonely without him; we miss him dearly. There will always be a hole in our hearts.
He got a Best in Show in 2008, won the CSCA National Specialty in 2009, was the no. 1 Clumber Spaniel in 2009, won American Spaniel Club in 2010, & won over 100 group placements in. Now he is setting his own records in Heaven.
We love you Rudy
Mommy & Daddy, Peggy & Milford Cole
CH Bluemoon’s Choctaw - "Roxy",
July 1, 2006 - May 15, 2018
We lost Roxy suddenly and our home isn’t the same. She loved to play especially catching her stuffed ball as it came down the roof. She would chase birds in the field using hand signals-amazing. She was a happy & sweet little girl who was never crated. She never got into anything or ate anything that she wasn’t suppose to. She was our perfect little princess.
Roxy was our foundation bitch who gave us two wonderful litters which included Raney (BISS GCHB CH Cajun’s A Change Is Gonna Come-CGCA). She was the no. 1 ranked bitch in 2008.
We love you Roxy
Momma & Daddy, Peggy & Milford Cole
Ch Critter's Countin' On A Miracle "Diva"
7 July 2005 – 30 June 2017
We lost our beloved Diva suddenly, and we are devastated. I had never intended to keep a puppy out of Moxie’s last litter, but Diva let us know she was not going anywhere, and ran away with our hearts. She was going to be my underfoot dog, and no gate was going to keep her out of our presence. She was remarkable and so much loved. We will miss her for forever.
Loved and missed by Janice Friis
BISS GCHB CH Cajun’s A Change Is Gonna Come CGCA, "Raney"
Raney was our first bred Clumber who stole our hearts from day one. He got his name from an Aaron Neville song. He was a very smart & happy boy who was contented playing with his tennis balls and getting his own ice from the refrigerator. He even has a video on you tube “Cajun Raney-The Ice Maker Operator. Cajun Clumbers got its’ name because of Raney. He left us way too early. That loss still weighs heavily on our hearts. We are so very thankful for all he taught us through the years. Thank you GOD for giving us all the happy times-and there were many- we had with our precious boy.
He traveled to many conformation shows and won over 100 group placements. He won the 2011 CSCA National Specialty and the CSCA Regional Specialty. In 2014 he won the Clumber Spaniel Fanciers of Michigan Specialty. He was our travel buddy. No telling how far he would have gone had he not gotten sick.
We love you,
Mommy and Daddy, Peggy & Milford Cole
CH Critter’s Devils & Dust, "Riley" 2005 to 2017
Even though he was a Champion, he only cared about his mommy and his toys. When he got a group placement, the judge insisted that he keep his toy for the photo. He followed his mommy everywhere. He loved her as much as she loved him. Even though we have many dogs, our home is empty now and will be for a long time.
Thank you Walt and Jan Friis for this sweet little boy.
We love you Riley,
Mommy and Daddy, Peggy & Milford Cole
Ch Critter’s The Unclouded Day, "Chessie", 2 November 2004 - 30 March 2017
We lost our beloved Chess to cancer. Chess was one of a kind. She was an accomplished counter surfer in her youth, and ate countless loafs of bread or sticks of butter. In her later life, she trained Walt to share his morning toast crusts with her. She never missed a meal and was a devoted companion. We miss her terribly. It just gets harder and harder to lose them.
She has left a big hole in our lives.
—Jan and Walt Friis
CH Critter's Let's Be Friends, "TINKER", 7 July 2005 - 8 November 2016
Tinker was my first clumber. He won his first 3-point major at his first show and he was only 6 months old. We thought that was great. You see Tinker was only going to be a loving pet, not a show dog. He was great in the ring and my husband had to be train him to show. I always said he knew what he was doing and I was the one still in training. He was a sweet boy. He won his championship at 14 months old. Tinker was a joy to show, a joy to care for, and a joy to live with. He had a great personality. He loved every one. He would bring you a stuffed toy when you came home. I would say he was my big white bunny only he was two and a half feet long and weighted 75 lbs.
I miss him so much. He left a big hole in my heart. There will never be another one like him.
—Janelle Waldon
"Dixie", Died 2016
No one met Dixie without expressing how cute or beautiful she was. And Dixie would confirm their observation with a charming pose and a gentle, sweet manner. Photographers asked to take her picture and children begged to give her pets. And she was always graciously accommodating. Congenital health issues led her vets to conclude she would be with her family no more than a year but she graced them with her friendship and loyalty for 11 years.
We will miss her so much.
—Jenine Bucker
"Magoo", Died 2014
Magoo was a gentle, loving, and as laid back as you could find. Neither the antics of puppies nor children ever upset him. The young grandkids loved to pick up his low hanging jowls and say that he could fly. He never objected, but held still while they hugged and played with him.
What I most remember Magoo for was his unwavering devotion. Magoo was always at my side when we were together, and wanted to be when we weren't. Some years ago I went to the hospital for 4 days. A friend who stayed at my house with the dogs said that the only time he left the door I exited through was to eat and to out to potty. She said that he would immediately resume his watch for me to return once he was done. And always when I left for work, Magoo would claim his spot at the door, waiting for me to come home. As he grew older and apparently unable to hear my car arrive, I would have to push the door enough to wake him up so I could finish opening it, as he laid close enough to block it every time.
When Magoo was only a few years old, we moved to a house with a dog door. Since I worked 12 hour night shifts, I thought that was a perfect way for the dogs to go in and out when they needed to. However, I only used it for a short time. No matter how long I was gone, or what time of day, Magoo was laying at the gate by the garage when I came home. If it had rained, he would be soaked. If it was sunny, he would be panting. According to a neighbor, Magoo was seen at the gate no matter the time of day or the weather.
I have missed his constant presense at my side. He is one of those dogs you could never forget.
—Mary Florence
Pinker Dink came with a mischievous streak. She would consume inedibles regularly, and we would have to go through the unpleasantness of peroxide and bringing them back up. I can't even guess how many quarts of peroxide she had to swallow over time!
But mostly she was a sweet little girl, and a wonderful playmate to her brother, Odie. She would steal Odie's bone, and run and "e;hide"e; under the dining room table (with no covering on it). Odie would run as fast as Clumbers can run, right past her hiding spot into the bedroom. She always kept her eye on him. And when he emerged, she would take off again to keep the game going. This was a daily routine. They never tired of it.
Pinker would do about anything I asked of her (except stop eating the wrong things). She was happy to get her training, and easily earned a CD in obedience competition, and a RN in Rally. She did not go further in obedience because she did not like my being out of sight for the stay exercises. She would come and find me in training every time.
Pinker liked to be comfortable. When she wanted to rest, she had two favorite places. She loved to lay on my bed right next to the pillow. But most of all I think she liked to lay with Odie. He would be curled up, and she would put her head resting on his back, and the two were down for the count. I know Odie misses her as much as I do.
—Mary Florence
Brind'Amour's Cinnamon Dove "Louie", 4 June 2006 - 13 January 2014
From the minute he was born, Louie was such a sweet, happy, and content little boy, always playing with a toy, either by himself or with one of his siblings. Louie was from our first and only litter and went to his forever home with Cheryl and Paul at the age of twelve weeks. There, he was pampered and treated like a King. Louie's days were filled with excitement... He went on daily walks through the trails, regularly met new friends along the way, went for boat rides during the day, and had regular play dates in the park. He frequently took trips into town and on several occasions, traveled the length of the east coast on vacation. Everywhere he went people knew him by name and by his perpetual wiggle. He was quite the talker, a funny little dude, a very special little boy, and a total lovebug to the end. He is deeply, deeply missed by all who knew him.
—Lizz Squashic
Judith Rickey
Judith Rickey, long time Clumber spaniel breeder and fancier, passed away on April 10, 2014. She was surrounded by five of her treasured Clumbers. In honor and remembrance of a beloved friend of the breed, R. Tamara deSilva has generously funded the Judith Rickey Fund. This will be a continuing annual gift.
The Judith Rickey Fund will be used to support continuing educational and outreach efforts of the Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation. Judy was a champion of the breed, and health was of the utmost important to her. As Tamara wrote in her remembrance letter "On the somewhat rare occasion that she did breed, she screened prospective puppy homes with a level of scrutiny unsurpassed perhaps even by the NSA. Judy was a beloved champion of the breed and is dearly missed by those who had the privilege to know her."
The Foundation is honored and grateful to be the recipient of this generous donation, and to honor Judy's memory in a way that will continue to benefit the breed she loved so much.
Harley was our Eye Doctor. All our Clumber stood in line for his treatments, eye, ear and face washes. A sweet loving easy going boy, who liked to conserve energy anytime he could. I often call him my Chia Pet, sprinkle a little water on him and he grew hair overnight. Harley never forgot his savior Milford and Peggy who brought him back to us. He will be very much missed by all the Moonrysn Gang, especially his best pal and littermate Wilson. They lived together as bookends.
Thank you Harley for all your unconditional love.
—Lorin & Jan Sutherland
CT Shogun's Blaze of Glory Quigley, TDX, VST "Quigley", 25 March 2004 - 25 October 2013
Quigley was our clown, our little goofball. At the end of a long day at work you could count on him to do something silly. After a quick trip outside with baby in mouth he would then run to the bedroom and hop on the bed. There he would stay performing his silly antics until you called him for dinner. He loved playing with our other four legged kids, cuddling with us every night and traveling with us wherever we went. He was a great traveler. He loved fishing, hiking and going for long walks. One year when walking the beach in Washington he came back with a fully intact fish skeleton!! Unfortunately, we did not have the camera with us to catch that picture. We lost Quigley to hemangiosarcoma and miss him dearly.
We really miss our little clown. Rest in peace Quigley.
—Kathy & Richard Marshburn
Ch Critter's Forever and Ever, Amen "Misty", 18 September 2000 - 2 July 2013
Misty always amused our company when she would patiently sit in front of the dog treat jar, pointing out the treats, and silently beg for a morsel. She was a character and much loved and spoiled. She loved her doggie beds. We lost Misty to a prolonged seizure. She was a hemangiosarcoma survivor for over two years. And she had occasional seizures for over a year after her cancer diagnosis. We discovered she did best off of any medication. We will miss our old girl.
—Janice Friis
"Luigi", 2008 - 2012
Luigi was our first Clumber and for our family it was love at first sight. His goofy characteristics always kept us laughing. He loved balls and made sure to have at least two in his mouth before greeting you. He was dad's baby boy and his unconditional love got our family through many hard times. At the age of 4 Luigi was suddenly taken from us due to cirrhosis and losing him was one of the hardest things our family has ever gone through. We will always hold him close to our hearts and will forever cherish the time we had with him. We love you Luigi.
—Elizabeth Ferrante
Villa De's Embraceable You TD "Gypsy", 8 April 2001 - 7 October 2012
To our beautiful Gypsy "Doodle", we miss you so much. Your brothers often seem lost as they miss their fearless leader. You brought so much joy into our lives. We dreamed of one day having a Clumber in our family and then you came to us and made our dream come true. We miss your downy soft coat, your kissy spot and of course your little alfalfa hair that would sprout up. Oh how you were such a rascal when it came to food, from lining up at the fridge and wooing for your midday carrot to being the most skilled butter burglar. You took counter surfing to a new level. There were few better than you when it came to snoofing out critters, from your lizard friend to the turkey flush while tracking. We know you faced many medical challenges throughout the years, but you were so brave and so stoic in how you handled the pain. When our days on this earth come to a close, we will be overjoyed to embrace you again on the other side.
—Deb and Jim Victory
Ch Critter All Heaven Will Allow "Kermit", 22 December 1998 - 9 May 2012
Here is one of my favorite pictures of Kermit. There were so many that it was hard to pick. Kermit had my heart and soul from day 1. We knew he was special when we brought him home. Kermit was a joy to live with and a joy to show. He never disappointed. He was the light of my life and now that light is gone. He can never be replaced.
RIP my Beloved Boy
—Debbie Smith
Whidbey Valentino Fraidy "Chesty", 31 October 2005 - 21 February 2012
From the moment we met Chesty in the Atlanta airport, we were in love. He made his way to us from the other side of the country, and he was the perfect boy for our family of daughters. From that moment on, he rarely left our sides. We named him "Chesty" after a famous marine, but his given name "Whidbey Valentino Fraidy" was actually more fitting. Chesty was known for being gentle, goofy, loving, smart, and always a gentleman. He had the most beautiful eyes and the sweetest freckles. His silliness and goofy facial expressions made us laugh constantly - it was very hard to be unhappy when Chesty was around. He loved being doted on by his family and never missed an opportunity to snuggle. He loved napping on the couch, running on the beach, and gently carrying his stuffies in his huge mouth to greet guests at the door. He drew a crowd of admirers wherever he went, and was always sweet and patient. There will never be another boy like Chesty. He was a once-in-a-lifetime dog. It's been very hard to adjust to our home without Chesty. We argue over who he loved the most, but we really know that he had a big enough heart for us all. We are heartbroken that he was taken from us too soon, but we will be forever thankful that he was a part of our family. He will always be our special boy.
—The Stakely Family, Montgomery, Alabama
Ch Critter's With Every Wish "Moxie", June 1999 - 18 April 2011
On 18 April we lost our beloved Moxie, Ch Critter's With Every Wish. She would have been 12 this upcoming June. We lost her way too soon. She had developed a paralysis on the left side of her head and was not able to eat and drink and we just could not let her suffer any more. It is so hard to loose these dogs. She was my most loyal and devoted Clumber. We miss her terribly
—Janice & Walter Friis
Ch Woodsman Beatrice of Cameo "Beatrice", 30 December 1995 - 2 March 2009
When our beloved Beatrice left us in March 2009, we were too heartbroken to write or react in any meaningful way. Her death at 13 was not unexpected, but the void she left haunts us still. She was a remarkable girl who, as a puppy, took the breed in her first show over six other Clumbers. She loved the beach, chasing gulls and tracking everything, including razor clams. She was aristocratic, holding her little paw up for a burr removal, but could get dirtier and muddier than any playmate. When she came to live with us she immediately bonded with Grandpa Bomber (CH Cotton-Cameo Bronze Bomber) and wasn't content till she had all the toys and had run him ragged most days. She especially loved camping trips with Bill and when her son Clifford joined the family, those trips to Mt. Hood and La Pine were among the most memorable. The smartest dog we've had, she communicated on every level. She is missed so very much.
—Ginny and Bill Allen
Woodsman Clifford Leon "Clifford", 11 October 1999 - 15 April 2011
When our girl Beatrice had her litter of puppies, she had a difficult time. Carol Reeves persisted in saving five of them — four girls and Clifford. Clifford was unique from the first day, as the puppies grew, he was the one stomping around talking as he went. We had never been around such a vocal Clumber. When his sisters went off for birdiness testing, Clifford wandered off to sit under the tree and smell those breezes. We couldn't resist bringing him home and getting to know him better. He followed his Mom's lead for the years they were together, always inseparable and him always looking to her for approval. When she left us two years ago, he stepped into the role as greeter of the house, present at book clubs and meetings, occasionally voicing an opinion, but usually just a well-behaved participant. Last summer we took a cross-country driving trip from our home in Oregon to Illinois — what a great traveler — Clifford at Mt. Rushmore, Clifford in the Grand Tetons, we hit most dog parks on the way and then the visit with our daughter and son-in-law in Champaign where the temps were almost 100. We remember that trip with great joy.
If anyone tells you Clumbers don't pass genes along from generation to generation, we are here to tell you they do. His great grandfather Bomber (CH Cotton-Cameo Bronze Bomber) loved tobacco and cigarette stubs, every walk was a score and Clifford was the same (we don't smoke). Where Bomber would take the "tp" and run through the house, Clifford had his own technique, more of a search and destroy mission, shredding it there on the roll. Mom Beatrice used to lie under it and eat it as it rolled off, no mess, no fuss. Our house is Clumberless for the first time in twenty two years, a very quiet and empty home.
—Ginny and Bill Allen
A/C Ch. CannonBrook Greek Drachma "Griff", 15 June 2001 - 9 August 2010
Griff was born in our first litter and was instantly Wayne's best friend for life. He was a joy as a puppy and had a zest for life that made him fun everyday. He enjoyed showing with Wayne, but was always happy to return home and hang out with his legion of friends. He loved his daily walks through the neighborhood and having his tummy rubbed every evening. Victoria was his best Clumber friend — they were inseparable from the day Victoria came to live with us.
Griff loved life, but puppies were his favorite thing. He would watch over them from the day they were born, waiting patiently for the day he could play with them. He was as gentle and caring as any puppy nanny could be.
He loved to nap snuggled up with whoever was home. He will live in our hearts forever.
—Kellie & Wayne Holbrook
Ch. Clussexx Hufflepuff "Hufflepuff", 17 June 2004 - 2 September 2010
Hufflepuff was Griff's daughter and one of my favorite girls of all time. While she was with us, we were thrilled to have three generations living at home. She was a beautiful girl that won judges' hearts from the National to Westminster. At home, she was always by my side or asleep by my feet. She was as silly as she was beautiful. She thought that she ran the house and "talked" to us all the time.
—Kellie & Wayne Holbrook
Celtic N Shelwyn's Rage of Paris "Zara", 25 May 2006 - 27 October 2010
Dr. Zara went to Stuffie heaven on October 27, 2010 due to being traumatized by the San Bruno Blast. The real Zara left us on September 9th at 6:05PM (the day and time of the blast). I have never hurt so much losing a dog before. Zara was my shadow and best bud.
—Marla Shelmadine & Nancy Wynschenk
CT Champion Wicfair's Sir Cedric TD, TDX, VST, CGC "Cedric", 4 December 1996 - 31 July 2010
When Richard and I embarked on our journey to look for a Clumber, little did we know how much our lives were about to change. Cedric was born December 4, 1996 in the middle of winter. When he was four weeks old we drove from Denver to Santa Fe in the snow to meet him. As expected he was adorable. Six weeks later he joined our family. Two months later we discovered tracking. By the time Cedric turned one year old he had earned his Tracking Dog title at his first test and was showing in conformation. The fun never ended. Through the years we have met some wonderful people, made great friends and traveled to at least 19 states! Besides being our best friend and beloved family member, he became the first clumber spaniel to earn the Champion Tracker title.
Cedric's face was so expressive it was one of his greatest features. If you did not know what he was thinking, it was because you weren't paying attention! Cedric was an ambassador of the breed and truly enjoyed interacting with people. He made us laugh frequently and gave us many joys, one of which is his son, Quigley. He was truly a once in a lifetime companion. Richard, Quigley, Wicca (Cedric's Sussex "sister") and I miss Cedric dearly. His absence has left a void in our lives, but the wonderful times we shared together and the many memories we have will be with us always.
Cedric, enjoy your well deserved rest, until we meet again.
—Kathy & Richard Marshburn
Am/Can Ch. Critter's Leap of Faith "Georgia", 8 May 1996 - 2010
Georgia was our beloved foundation bitch at BlueMoon. Georgia was sweet, spunky and stubborn in the most loving of ways. She blessed us with 12 puppies from three litters, including Tillie, her daughter. Many lovely clumbers remind us of her on a daily basis. Always in our hearts, we are forever thankful for Jan and Walt Friis for letting us have this beautiful girl. Georgia did things her way from the moment she entered this world until the day she left it, at nearly 14 years of age.
Ch. Clussexx Crayola Crayon "Wills", 27 November 2002 - 14 August 2010
Wills was a great show dog, having won all-breed bests in show in the U.S., Sweden, and Scotland… but he was an even more wonderful pet for Sandy Blakeley when he retired from the show ring early in 2010. He learned to love his full body massages every evening and playing with tons of toys, going to the pet store, and chasing his ball. He became desparately ill in late July and passed away August 14th in Sandy's arms.
When speaking of his impact on her, Sandy wrote: "One of his greatest attributes was to steal the hearts of all who met him. All of the vets fell in love with him, he was such a good patient. All of my neighbors loved him, he never barked and was always the perfect gentleman. People would stop us when out to say what a beautiful dog he was. He was an 'old soul', very wise."
Bluemoon's Heartstopper "Rudy", 21 January 1999 - 21 June 2010
It is with real sadness that we share the news of the passing of our beloved Rudy. He didn't have a list of titles beside his name, but he had the one we cared most about, LOVE. Rudy was an extremely intelligent and handsome dog.
Tom was the one who wanted to take Rudy to Obedience School. It took three times to finish and by the third time, Rudy received his only ribbon/medal, for most improved in the class.
Rudy immediately took to the water, and he would spend hours in the lake. He would walk the shoreline trying to catch fish, a funny sight. He was an accomplished boater, too. If you mentioned boat, he was on the front seat before you could get to the boat.
Rudy was a very active, on the move, well adjusted Clumber spaniel up until two years ago. He lost his eye sight over night from Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome, SARDS. He became very depressed and developed other health problems caused from stress related to the SARDS. We made the difficult decision to let Rudy at 11 years and 5 months cross the Rainbow Bridge.
Our hearts are sad, but we will hold tight to the wonderful memories of a journey we were so blessed to share with our beloved Rudy. Rudy brought happiness, joy, laughter, and much love into our lives.
He can now see again, boat, fish and play in the waters he so loved once-upon-a-time, with his Rachel.
Rudy, we miss and love you.
—Andrea, Tom and Ms. Hattie
Cajun's Orchid in the Storm "Brin", UKC Champion - Reserve BIS
Brin was a most loving and happy princess. She loved people and was in your lap if you wanted her there or not, no one was a stranger. She loved taking care of her Rottweiler brother but enjoyed bossing him around even more. What was hers was hers, and what was his was also hers. Brin was not only beautiful, but smart and very willing to work. She was ready to start her obedience career in between conformation. She taught me many things, and introduced me to some very wonderful friends.
Missy Bri, we love you and miss you every day, and are most thankful you were in our lives for the brief time we had you.
—kb & Boo
Critter's Madame Butterfly "Olivia", 18 September 2000 - 13 June 2010
Olivia was my best friend, constant companion and unlimited source of unconditional love. I could tell her everything, and boy, could she keep a secret.
She was an independent girl and could be a little naughty. Like the time she dined on a can of Kong Paste, ate every drop and a bit of the can, as well. How we wished we could have caught it on video when the can exploded.
She would wait patiently with her head on the window sill for me to come home and greet me at the door. It was such a comfort to see her little white head sitting there and it was a wonderful thing to come home to. My first clumber died before he was three years old and I heard that Jan had a litter on the day that he had passed and I so wanted one of the pups. I was a bit persistent and I told Randy that she was going to think I was a puppy stalker. Imagine my excitement when Jan sent me an e-mail asking me if I wanted Olivia in my life? A huge YES!!
She was beautiful and had the prance of a princess. She will be forever in our hearts, and we so thank Jan for letting us have her in our lives. She was loved by all and made people smile.
—Lynn & Randy Felts
Cameo's Rudolph Valentino CW "Hamish", 6 June 1996 - 17 June 2010
We lost our beloved Hamish just 11 days after his 14th birthday. He had been failing for some time and we made the heartbreaking decision to let him go. He died peacefully at home on his bed while eating treats. He lived life with a smile on his face, a heart full of love, and believed that you could never give out too many kisses. He was full of pizazz and his antics are legendary. In the end he taught us how to age gracefully and live each day to the fullest no matter what your limitations are. He was a wonderful creature and we were blessed to have him. How we loved him and how he loved us.
—Carolyn Morrison & Diane McGrew
Ch. Villa De's Scotian Odyssey "Kipah" and Ch. Villa De's Here's Lookin' At You, Kid "Bogart", Both 1995 - 2009
Kipah and Bogart were half brothers by Ch. Drumhill's Odin of Sandiam, CD, born about 8 months apart. Both were born in 1995 and both died in 2009. A ripe old age for Clumbers.
When we lost Kipah, Andrea and I wondered what we'd been thinking to have two dogs so close in age. We hoped that Bogart would at least see his 14th birthday, and then some, but he seemed to age very quickly after Kipah died.
Though brothers, they were very different personalities. For Andrea and I, that was part of their charm. Kipah loved the show ring and competing against other dogs. Bogart eschewed such silly competitions and lived to hunt and track.
Where Kipah moved smoothly, Bogart lumbered; where Kipah was confident, Bogart was apprehensive.
Out of the ring, though, they seemed to trade personalities: Kipah always appeared to be worried about something, while we called Bogie our "whatever" dog, easy and agreeable, no matter what might be going on.
Bogart lived to go into the field. He salivated at the sound of the gun and the smell of cordite from a discharged weapon. He was so obsessive about retrieving that he would break ice on a pond to bring back a canvas dummy --- Again and again and again, until I was exhausted and numbed by cold; he never was.
Almost daily for most of their life, Bogart and Kipah played a game that they'd begin by lying down facing one another, each with a ball in his mouth. Then they would each drop the ball, jump up, and run to get the other's ball, switching places to continue the game. I can see them now, playing together again. As always, Bogart dozes off after a few switches and Kipah wakes him with a gentle "woof" to start the game again.
Tmaufield Echo Through Colland "Echo", 19 February 1997 - 24 October 2009
Echo was an exceptional Clumber and spent most of her life acting as an Ambassador for her breed. She travelled extensively in Europe visiting thirteen countries. She had friends and admirers all over the world, many of which had never met a Clumber before encountering Echo.
She succumbed to a cancer of the nasal and ear channels, which progressed into her brain. She fell asleep on Saturday 24th. October 2009.
Sadly missed by June & Ralph Pettitt and her housemates Rhys and Comfrey.
"Many will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave paw prints in your heart."
Ch. Quail Hollow's Gelato "Bailey", 6 October 2005 - August 2009
Bailey came into our lives when we really needed a lift. Our Bassett Hound, Daisy, had passed at the ripe old age of 14. Amanda searched and searched for a Clumber puppy. She finally found a litter of 3 boys. We immediately fell in love with the one called Spanky. We had already decided to name him Bailey. The Breeder told us that Bailey had good show potential, but all we wanted was a puppy to spoil. As Bailey got older, his temperament became evident. Bailey loved everyone. He never met a stranger. We could not go into Pet Smart without drawing a crowd. Bailey ate it up. At 6 months, I decided to let Bailey try his hand at showing. From the start he was a natural. I made so many mistakes as a handler, but Bailey's awesome ring presence made up for these missteps. Bailey was my friend, Amanda's baby boy and Sara's hero. God took Bailey back at a young age, I guess he wanted to get some of those Bailey kisses. Bailey was ranked #1 in the nation when he went to the Bridge, and he will always be #1 in our hearts.
We love you Bailey!
—Don, Amanda, & Sara Morphis
BlueMoon's Faithful Heart "Bailey"
Loved and owned by David Muller.
Bailey was my very special friend and she was quite a unique little girl. Nothing ever held her back. During her first week at home she managed to climb out of a second story window, fall to the ground, and with a shake of her tail she was back at full speed. She spent her first few years living the life of a farm girl. She was never too certain about the water buffalo that roamed the fields, and hated the electric fence, but she loved to run all day next to me in the tractor.
Her life then took her to many happy days on Nantucket and after she discovered horse shoe crabs in front of her house she became an avid crab hunter. She would spend hours and hours patrolling the waters, knee deep and plunging her head up to her shoulders to grab her prey and deposit them on the beach. All my neighbors knew her and loved to watch her dedication to the hunt. Not the usual quarry for a Clumber.
Sadly, cancer finally took her from me and all her friends, but she lived a wonderful life, both charmed and spoiled. I know she is at peace, frolicking in doggy heaven with her dear friend Amie, the step-sister that she grew up with and loved.
Willie was the sweetest boy that loved to give kisses. He always smiled and was the talker of the family. He loved to help around the house. When the plant lady arrived, he would go straight to her basket and get the duster and prance around the house with it. I can't even begin to tell you how many feather dusters we went through.
We are so lucky to have had Willie in in our lives.
—Mimi Holcome
Don's Watermark "Sebastian"
When we picked Sebastian up at the airport from his trip across the ocean from Sweden, I knew he was special. The long flight didn't faze him, and he was ready for this new world. He never did anything that was naughty in his almost 14 years. In my eyes everything he did was cute from warning us of other dog's bad behavior to carrying and adopting stuffed animals. His loss has been devastating to both his canine family and his human family.
Penny Mahon
Penny Mahon passed away on July 4, 2009. She was a generous person of grace. She shared her home with Panda — her Clumber companion.
The day Winston arrived at our local airport will forever be etched in my heart and soul. It was love & devotion at first sight, for us both. This special little soul only walked the earth for a little more than 4 short years, but he spread boundless love and kindness to all creatures big and small. He quickly became a public personality larger than life. He was my walking comic book, bringing laughter abound, with his loud heavy sighs when bored or ignored, a shake of that massive head sending slobber airborne with gravity defying trajectory, those plump hind quarters sashaying side to side as he lumbered along. Perhaps his most endearing daily habit was cramming his head through the cat door leading to the garage, exposing only the small portion that would fit his nose and 2 deep set eyes, as he watched my arrival home. His freckled face was always there to greet me.
He was an extraordinary gentle soul who proudly wore the crown of Canine Ambassador to all animals and children. He was loved and adored by his older Clumber sister, 6 cats, and a myriad of friends and their pets, but his special friend was the neighbor's Cockatoo, Louie. They were the odd couple; Louie would ride him like a cowboy on his horse hitting the open trail. I always prided myself knowing Winston took a very modern and progressive approach to being a bird dog.
In only 4 years, Winston left behind enough anecdotes to fill the pages of many books, and in the end, it is these memories that will help my grief fade with time. He fought a brave month and a half battle with an ugly disease, AIHA, then peacefully died in my arms at home. I'm so thankful to have had the chance to know and love him; he touched my heart in ways I never knew possible. What a beautiful difference one single life made.
Ch CT, Critter's Give The Girl A Kiss, TDX, VST, CGC, "Aspen", 14 June 1999 - 24 August 2008
Aspen was a wonderful girl with a nickname of "Wild Thing". She did everything with exuberance. In 2007 she became the first female Champion Tracker in the breed. She loved to track and taught me a lot along the way. I will always remember her for a lot of firsts in my life. Aspen was my first female canine companion, the first canine I ever finished in the ring to the title of Champion, the first litter experience for me, the first dog in my family to earn a tracking title , and the first Champion Tracker in my family of dogs. Most of all she was my girl. She gave me such love and joy. I will miss her with all my heart forever.
Ch Wicfair's Sir Charles B, TD, "Barklee", December 1996 - October 2008
Barklee, named after Charles Barkley (famous Basketball player), he loved the spotlight. He won the hearts of the conformation observers. Barklee was the Clumber Spaniel with a personality. He was never a couch potato. I had never imagined being in the Group previous to Barklee, let alone winning the Group with a Clumber that I handled. Barklee made my dream come true. During his show career, he introduced Lorin and me to many of our closest friends. Barklee was much loved by his handler Brian Livingston and Smarty, his Yorkie bud. I will always love and remember him. He was truly amazing.
Ch Critter's Jubilation, "Juby", 1997 - 2008
Juby was a joy to have in my family and that can't be said enough. Even with all of her antics, she has left such a big hole in our family. Juby was one of the litter that got the PDP1 test going. She proved to me how important this testing is and that disease can be bred out. She gave me her beautiful daughter Maddie, and her beautiful grand kids, Presley and Victoria. All of them are tested clear of PDP1. She was the happiest and sweetest Clumber. I am so fortunate to enjoy her for a short 11 years.
—Patty Kersey
Ch Clussexx Billy Goats Gruff, "Bill", 8 August 1995 - 25 June 2008
Bill touched the lives of many people.
We are honored to have him included in the memorial pages of the CSHF.
Not only was Bill a record holder for the Clumber Spaniel breed, the only dog to ever win three National Specialties in a row, but he also was one of the most significant sires in the breeds recent history. As his breeders we are most proud of his outgoing personality, incomparable beauty and his ability to produce top quality off-spring to any line he was bred too. His get was easily recognized from kennel to kennel regardless of who was the breeder. He put a stamp on his children — his stamp, his look. We are humbled that his offspring are so successful and healthy as we believe he helped to bring the breed forward to make generations of stronger healthier Clumbers for us all to enjoy.
Bill, was healthy till the end… having only one bad night before we said our goodbyes.
Gary Merk, 28 July 1949 - 28 April 2008 and Ch. Delorme Limbourg Fatcat Khill, "Arthur", 9 May 1993 - 8 Jan 2008
Arthur joined Gary and Nancy Merk's loving home after his original owner, Sue Gariepy passed away. Arthur died in January of 2008, and was joined in April by Gary. Nancy, who made a very generous donation in Gary's and Arthur's memories writes: "In memory of two old stinkers who found each other late in their lives, but immediately fell in love. They adored each other. I find great comfort in knowing that they are together again. I gave to the Foundation in Arthur's memory in the hopes that all of our Clumbers may be long lived like him."
On June 12th, 2008 Julie Ridl wrote: "Today we had to say goodbye to old pal Stafford. He was developing a big calcium deposit in his oesophagus and couldn't breath well past it anymore. We kept him out of pain, but we couldn't help him any more. He made it to twelve and half; that's good for a giant Clumber boy. I told him how much we loved him, and what a fine lamb of dog he had been. He cleaned my foot, gave me an excellent Clumber kiss, and got his last injection. It was a very good end for our old friend, he deserved that. We were so lucky to have him. Staffy, we love you. We will hurt for a while, and pick up and put away large sticky toys. And hang on to each other… Kisses, and kisses and kisses."
Ch Critter's Dancing In The Dark, "Ginger", 17 January 1994 - 29 January 2008
Ginger was a daughter of our beloved Ch Critter's Glory Days TD. Ginger finished her championships in style: WB and BW at the CSCA National Specialty, and BOB from the Bred By Exhibitor class at the Canadian National. Ginger won Best Of Breed at American Spaniel Club in 1998, breeder/owner handled. We will never forget her and miss her terribly and are grateful for all the joy she brought us. She never did a bad thing.
Ch Critter's I'm on Fire, "Billie", 8 May 1996 - 2 May 2008
Billie's mom was our darling Ginger. Billie won majors with Best of Breed over specials as a puppy. Billie was Best in Sweepstakes at the 1997 CSCA National Specialty, and finished with his forth major and Best of Winners at American Spaniel Club, from the Bred By Exhibitor Class in 1998. In 1999 Billie won Best of Breed at ASC. Billie has multiple Sporting Group placements. Billie only did one thing wrong; he swallowed too many foreign objects. He had 3 surgeries over his lifetime to remove objects, and his last surgery killed him. We cannot get over the loss of Billie. He was our forever puppy.
Ch Critter's He Walks on Water, "Lenny", 18 Sept 2000 - 10 May 2008
Our fondest memories of Lenny are his daily routines and behaviors — lying on the top of the stairway to get his tummy rubbed, chasing up and down the fence enthusiastically greeting all neighbors and dogs, surfing the countertops for any unguarded food, sleeping in our shower, and snuggling nearby as we moved room to room.
Lenny was a great dog and our dearest companion. We are so proud of all the wonderful puppies and the numerous champions he sired. He was strong and gentle and always there for us. He touched our souls. He will be in our hearts forever.
"Shorty", Born 24 July 1997, died of Lymphoma 26 September 2008
Shorty left for the Bridge after a very rapid onset of Lymphoma. He was simply the best dog in the world. He had awful conformation but a wonderful personality. And he was the smartest dog I have ever owned. He worked as a Therapy Dog for five years and was the only non human to ever be honored as the Volunteer of the Year at one of our local hospitals.
He raised two Clumber Spaniels and accepted countless fosters and foster failures into our home. He taught Dash (ATB) all the fine points of counter surfing. He trained my Mom to bake extra Christmas cookies just so he could steal them from the table. He stole countless loaves of bread and bags of potatoes. He let blind Roddy follow him outside,nose to tail, every day for years until Roddy went to the Bridge. He would go out in the yard and find Jake the Beagle when I asked him to. Jake is 17 and gets a bit confused. Shorty always brought him in safely. He won many a "Best Trick" contest at various Waddles and Basset gatherings.
Shorty was the Original Basset of the BBC Gang. Without him, I never would have gotten into pure bred dogs,rescue, fostering and failing, obedience and now hunt training. I am a much better person for having loved him. I know he was met at the Bridge by Gary and my Mom, who he was named for, and they had a wonderful reunion. But my house is so empty now.
He was my heart and soul.
Drumhill Captain Clyde, CD CGC TT "Clyde", 13 June 1995 - 26 July 2007
Clyde came into my life in September 1995. Through our obedience training, we quickly developed a bond stronger than I ever knew was possible. Clyde helped me teach puppy classes and was an inspiration to many puppies and their owners that I still hear from today. He loved bird hunting with Dave, swimming in the river, his numerous toys, and my homemade bread. His woo-woos always made us smile, and we could fill a book with his memories. Clyde left us in July 2007 and took a big piece of me with him; not a day goes by that I don't miss him. Clyde was my "heart dog."
When the dog you love becomes a memory…
…that memory becomes a treasure.
—Cindy Bonner
"Mozart", "Jake", and "Dexter"
The Clumber Spaniel Health Foundation would also like to thank Paul Hansen, Lisa and Kevin Kuncher, Nancy Merk and Karen Trego for having made donations in memory of Mozart, Jake and Dexter.
"Peggy", 15 November 1993 - 23 May 2007
Forever loved by Diane McGrew and Carolyn Morrison.
Peggy was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the first dog that we owned together. She came to us when she was 8 weeks old and was with us for 13 ½ years. She was loud and feisty and filled our home with her energy. In her younger years she loved to chase tennis balls and was quite the little soccer player. She was a companion to our Clumbers, especially her best friend Hamish. Peggy and Hamish were together for almost 11 years and were devoted to one another. She was loving and fiercely loyal to her family and never forgot a friend.